Saturday 8 March 2014

Thinking Too Far Out of the Box

Every now and again I read articles in the newspaper that utterly surprise me. Some shocking me in a good way, others for terrible reasons and some that are ridiculous.

This week I read an article on BBC News called, “Can an ‘electronic lollipop’ simulate taste?” (  It is supposed to be used to fill every one of your senses when you are watching a TV programme or reading a recipe book. So what you see, you will also taste. Of course my first reaction to this was to read it, I wanted to know how a machine could create taste. However watching the report showed me how people really do waste their time in life.

This contraption is basically two bits of metal that are placed on top and underneath the tongue. An electronic signal is sent through to trick people’s taste buds. However, it only has four of the five basic tastes, these are: salty, sweet, sour and bitter. So what happens if you have found something that requires the fifth basic taste, umami (savory)? You’ll just have to ignore what you wanted.

So not only would you be sitting at your laptop looking absolutely ridiculous, with two bits of metal stuck to your tongue, but you might not actually get the full flavoured taste of what you’re looking at.

I do appreciate the concept of the idea, but seriously, when is this going to become useful for people? Why are scientists at the National University of Singapore creating this? 

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